torsdag 31. mars 2011

Back to Summer time

End of winter, at 02:00 am the night of Sunday, 27th March, clocks moved one hour forward in Norway, the rest of Europe, and Americas.

While the Russians say stop: Now it s summer all year round.
This means that when the rest of the world to set time an hour back, the Russians put the clocks tick forward in uninterrupted daylight.

President Medvedev says there are several reasons why Russia has to keep a time throughout the year. Among the reasons he mentions economic and health effects.
- Sleep much or wake-up too early.
-Everybody hates it and everyone is annoyed that we set the clock. Either go to the people or people wake up one hour early without having to guess what they will use the extra hours, said Medvedev.
The past century, Russians have alternated between having winter or not. In 1917, daylight saving was introduced, while the Soviet Union in June 1930 did the summer time, permanent. Thus ended the country one hour ahead of its original time zone.
Since 1981, the Russians made the Norwegians, turned the clocks one hour back in the fall and one hour ahead in winter.
Recently, the number of time zones in Russia decreased from eleven to nine and the goal is to cut down further on the number of zones.
Russian President Dmitrij Medvedev is tired of morning grumpy Russians, who forget to set the clocks now. Now he reintroduces one hour for Russia year round, regardless of season. Russia will continue to have different time zones geographically.
- I have decided to stop the winter from this autumn, said the Russian President Dmitrij Medvedev.
The Russians, for the first time since 1980 to keep summer time all year round.
- the masoria papers

fredag 25. mars 2011

Knut, the popular polar bear

Knut, the polar bear was rejected by his mother when he was a child, and was raised by humans. He made his public debut in March 2007, in front of a huge press corps.
The late Thomas Dörflein was Knut s zookeeper from the start. As Knut s spare Dad, he was present everyday, and followed the polar bear s progress closely.
In Knut s first months of life, he showed up Knut to the press and those present everyday.
The whole world s favorite teddy bear located in Berlin Zoo, shown up for the people from day one. Knut said "hi".
Spare Dad Thomas Dörflein and polar bear Knut slept next to each other. They went hiking morning before opening hours and went into the water to ensure Knut swimming skills.
Pet Hagens Bear expert Heiner Chloe said yesterday that Knut is not sick.
Between 600 and 700 guests in Berlin Zoo stood by in front of Knut and watched him die in the water. Several have taken pictures of the floating, lifeless body.
There are claims to the German newspaper that the polar bear first moved in circles. Then he had several seizures. Then, Knut fell in the water and died on March 19, 2011.
Here, Knut celebrates his fourth birthday on December 5, 2010. He got the fish dish, salad and a four-figure made of dough.

Polar bear Knut has died, only 4 years old. He walked around in circles before he got spasms and fell backwards into the water and died on Saturday, March 19, 2011 in the zoo. he was autopsied on Monday, March 21.
Knut will be stopped out on the biological museum in Berlin.

A guest and many others lay flowers to Knut.

Thomas Dörflein and polar bear Knut in 2007.

Here is Knut in March 2007 in the same zoo in Berlin.

- the masoria papers

lørdag 12. mars 2011

How are you Japan?

Children and adults checked for radioactivity after being evacuated from the area near Fukushima Daini nuclear reactor in Koriyama.

Worst crisis since World War II, says Japan´s Prime Minister Naoto Kan.

A Japanese soldier carrying an elderly man out to safety in the town of Natori. 16,000 people feared dead.

Here, a couple found their daughter dead inside a car from a driving school in Yamamoto, two days after the terrible tsunami on Friday afternoon destroyed everything in its path. So hearthbreaking to see all these terrible conditions happening to all in Japan since Friday, March 11, 2011.

Hiromutsu Shinkawa (60 yrs. old) floating around the ruins of his house, 15 kilometer from land. - Finally rescued on Sunday March 13, 2011 after two days on rooftops.

So close by. The Norwegian boat directly over the earthquake epicenter. Griegs Ship Company Star America passed near the earthquake epicenter off the coast of Japan on March 11, 2011. How about The Asia Pacific 2, who is one of my blog readers? Are they ok? -And the countries around The Pacific Coast?

Large forces, loss and damages earthquake and tsunami has made. With hundreds of aftershocks, 44 of them have the magnitude 6.

The ferry ended up on top of a house which was washed into the residential area when the tsunami came on March 11, 2011.

This is now a nursing home. These people now sleep side by side on the floor after they were evacuated from a nursing home near the nuclear power plant in Japan.

Enormous Japanese resources are deployed to rescue the victims of earthquake and tsunami in Japan.

Massive rescue operations started by Japanese. Over 50,000 military forces are mobilized in connection with rescue work in Japan. As well as soldiers, health personnel, and many others.

Shinmoedake volcano awakened in Japan in January. Now it has happened again after the strongest earthquake in Japan on Friday.

Was warned that nuclear disaster could occur but was ignored ...

Fear of nuclear power plant disaster in Fukushima Daini. On Saturday, 12th March exploded the reactor number one.

The earthquake shortened day on earth. The earth rotates faster after Japan-earthquake, said Geophisicist Richard Gross of NASA´s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California.

This shows that Japan moved 2,4 meters to the east. And the Pacific size also changed after the strong earthquake, according to USGS Geologists in USA.

Fukushima Region in Japan, not far from the nuclear power plant. The Earth´s axis changed by 10 cm due to the 8.9 magnitude earthquake on Friday, March 11.

Four trains mysteriously disappeared. This train was washed off from the rails by the tsunami. 10,000 people missing in the coastal town Higashimatsushima in Miyagi Region. But still 4 whole trians disappeared.

Millions of people are now without water, electricity, food, fuel, homes, schools, offices, cars, and so on ... in many parts of Japan. All covered in mud in Rikuzentakata after the strongest earthquake and tsunami. Also in Miyagi, Kamaishi, Kesennmuma, Minami Sanriku, Minami Samo, Ishinumaki, Iwate, Chiba, Kobe, Osaka, Tokyo, and many more places in the country.

Also a very large destruction in the City of Kisennmuma, Japan.

Sendai City lies in ruins after a very strong earthquake at 8.9 Richter Scale on Friday at 2:46 pm local time, followed by tsunami.

Hardest hit Sendai City in Japan on Friday March 11, 2011, overflooded and totally destroyed, and also in many regions in the country. -Many thousands are missing and death toll rising in all places hit of eathquake and tsunami. 69 countries offer help to search and rescue people in the disaster areas. They are on the way to you Japan. And we are watching you, and praying for you.

- the masoria papers