As Rio awoke from a night of celebration after being awarded the 2016 Olympics, Brazil was already looking ahead to years of hard work in what will be a historic time in Latin America's biggest nation.
The world's two biggest sporting events will take place in Brazil a few years from now — the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympics — and the country has little time to spare. There is a lot to do before Brazil is ready to stage the two major competitions. After Olympic party, hard work ahead for Brazil.
"Brazil needed the Olympics. We needed this challenge," Brazil´s President Lula da Silva said in Copenhagen just hours after Rio beat Madrid, Tokyo and Chicago. "We only needed one chance to prove that we are a great nation and that we have the capacity to do well just like any other country in the world."
Brasilianere på stranda Copacabana i Rio de Janeiro jubler etter at byen deres ble tildelt sommer-OL i 2016.
Første gang i Sør-Amerika. Dette blir første gang et OL arrangeres på det søramerikanske kontinentet. Rio slo ut Madrid i finalerunden med klart flertall: 66 stemmer mot 32. Tokyo ble slått i den andre runde, og Chicago i første runde. Avstemningen runde for runde.
1. runde(1st round):
Madrid 28, Rio de Janeiro 26, Tokyo 22, Chicago 18.
2. runde(2nd round):
Rio de Janeiro 46, Madrid 29, Tokyo 20.
Finalerunden(the final round):
1. runde(1st round):
Madrid 28, Rio de Janeiro 26, Tokyo 22, Chicago 18.
2. runde(2nd round):
Rio de Janeiro 46, Madrid 29, Tokyo 20.
Finalerunden(the final round):
Rio de Janeiro 66, Madrid 32.
TÅREVÅT PRESIDENT: Brasils president Luis Ignacio Lula da Silva tørker tårer mens Presidenten for Rios OL-søknad, Carlos Nuzman, trøster og skryter om hverandre.
TÅREVÅT PRESIDENT: Brasils president Luis Ignacio Lula da Silva tørker tårer mens Presidenten for Rios OL-søknad, Carlos Nuzman, trøster og skryter om hverandre.
- the masoria papers
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