President Barack Obama er ydmyk over å ha fått tildelt Nobels fredspris. Obamas administrasjon ble også overrasket over tildelingen, sier en annen ikke navngitt tjenestemann. Prisen kommer først og fremst overraskende på svært mange.
Obama´s Administration was also surprised by the award. The price comes first and foremost as a surprise to many. And it has created much debates and comments both in Norway and around the world.
Previous USA´s Presidents: Theodore Roosevelt was awarded Nobel Peace Prize in 1906 and Woodrow Wilson was awarded in 1919. Previous President Jimmy Carter got Nobel Peace Prize in 2002, while USA´s Former Vice President Al Gore received the Nobel Peace Prize with the UN(United Nation) in 2007. On December 2007, the people in Oslo in Norway gathered around in front of The Grand Hotel where Al Gore with his wife, and the UN Chairman were standing and waving to us from the balcony that evening right after the Nobel Peace Ceremony with many invited Head leaders, politicians, guests, singers, performers from around the world, and the 2 winners received their Nobel Peace Prize awards with gold medals, diplomas, and cheques. I thought, it was well deserved awards. I watched Al Gore´s Documentary on Global Warming in hours. That was the first time I stood in front of the Grand Hotel with my best friend and lots of people, to wave and take pictures of the Nobel Peace Winners. I´m also very impressed when Bill Clinton makes long speeches, I listen and never get bored. No wonder why, people still call him Mr. President! President Bill Clinton is popular in Norway and have been in Oslo invited by our Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik while both were sitting in their positions. With full Police escort in Oslo, Bill Clinton stopped his car to buy a de caffeinated espresso in La Pascal, walked and greeted the people around him. That episode loves the people of Norway. He also have been in other big local Cities years later to lead an important conference for College Students. While Jonathan Mann from CNN was present the whole day on December 2007 Nobel Ceremony and interviewed the 2 winners, as usual every year. Me & my friend saw him in front of the Grand Hotel where the 2 winners were waving that evening, after doing a live televised interview showned around the world right after the ceremony. Good work Jonathan. It was great to see the 2 Nobel Peace Winners. I told my families in 4 Continents too. After a while, we have to go because I was freezing in my hands and feet. It was winter time, on a cold December before Christmas 2007.
President Theodore Roosevelt ble tildelt prisen i 1906 og Woodrow Wilson ble tildelt Nobels fredspris i 1919. Tidliger president Jimmy Carter fikk prisen i 2002, mens tidligere visepresident Al Gore delte prisen med FN i 2007.
Americans elected Mr. Obama because they wanted him to restore American values and leadership — and because they believed he could. The Nobel Prize, and the broad endorsement that followed, shows how many people around the world want the same thing.
But it created some debates both in Norway and the rest of the world.
Comments in Norway and abroad: Det skapte mye debatter både innland og i resten av verden. Som følger:
*Per-Hva med å begynne å gi den til noen som faktisk virkelig har gjort en innsats igjen? De siste virkelig verdige vinnerene var Aung San Suu Kyi og Nelson Mandela, og det begynner å bli noen år siden. --- What about giving it to someone who has actually made an effort again? The last trulig worthy winners were Aung San Suu Kyi and Nelson Mandela, and it was some years ago.
*Knut-patetiskt! --- pathetic!
*J-Hva har nå Obama gjort for world peace? Ja, han sagt mange fine (forhåndsskrevene)ord i diverse taler rundt omkring kloden. Men handlinger er det dårligere med. --- What has Obama done now for world peace?
*Kjetteren-Utrolig snål tildeling. Nesten så jeg mistenker dem for å gi ham prisen bare for å få en sittende amerikansk president til Oslo igjen ... --- Incredibly weird award.
*JrDk9240Nibe-Den tåpeligste utdelingen i Fredsprisens historie. --- The most foolish choice in Nobel Peace History.
*K-Dette er pinlig. Det er alt for tidlig i hans karriere. Hva har han prestert til nå? --- This is embarrassing. What does he achieved so far?
*Kjetil-Herre min dag. Mannen har knapt satt sine føtter i det hvite hus, og så får han prisen. Obama vil få mange og flere muligheter til å vise at han står for fred. Hanhar ikke greid å vise at han står for varig fred enda. Denne prisen kommer alt for tidlig, og viser hvilket lite land vi er (som prøver å brøle høyest.) Helt klart Jagland som enda ikke er kvitt markeringsbehovet sitt. Flaut! --- Good Lord, this is embarrassing!
*Ivern-Fremdeles sjokkskadet etter offentliggjøringen i går. Trodde ikke mine egne ører. Begynte å regne litt bakover i tid...fristen for nominering var 1. februar 2009. Obama ble utnevnt til president en drøy uke før fristen! Allikevel er han hedret med Nobels fredspris!!! For hva??? Nobelkomiteen må sette seg ned og lese fredsprisens statutter. Dette er helt vanvittig!!! --- This is completely insane!!!
*Alexander Downer mener Barack Obama burde levere Nobelprisen tilbake, etter det han mener er tidenes dummeste utdeling. Tidligere utenriksminister Alexander Downer fra Australia mener Thorbjørn Jagland er en tulling. Både på grunn av fredsprisen, og fordi Jagland i 2001 vekket ham midt på natta. --- Barack Obama should not accept the prize, said by the Former Foreign Minister of Australia Alexander Downer.
*De internasjonale reaksjonene på Barack Obamas Nobel-triumf er ikke bare positive. Flere kommentatorer latterliggjør Nobelkomiteens beslutning.
*Britene ler av Norge. - La dem gi den til Miss World neste gang. --- The British laugh at Norway. Give it to Miss World next time. Laughing out loud(Lol).
*Britene ler av Norge. - La dem gi den til Miss World neste gang. --- The British laugh at Norway. Give it to Miss World next time. Laughing out loud(Lol).
Alfred Nobel was the third son of Immanuel Nobel (1801-1872) and Andriette Ahlsell Nobel (1805-1889). Born in Stockholm on 21 October 1833, he went with his family to Saint Petersburg in 1842, where his father (who had invented modern plywood) started a "torpedo" works. Alfred studied chemistry with Professor Nikolay Nikolaevich Zinin. When Alfred was 18, he went to the United States to study chemistry for four years and worked for a short period under John Ericsson. In 1859, the factory was left to the care of the second son, Ludvig Nobel (1831-1888), who greatly enlarged it. Alfred, returning to Sweden with his father after the bankruptcy of their family business, devoted himself to the study of explosives, and especially to the safe manufacture and use of nitroglycerine (discovered in 1847 by Ascanio Sobrero, one of his fellow students under Théophile-Jules Pelouze at the University of Torino). A big explosion occurred on the 3rd September 1864 at their factory in Heleneborg in Stockholm, killing five people, among them Alfred's younger brother Emil. Alfred died on December 10, 1896 (aged 63)in Sanremo, Italy. His resting place was in Norra begravningsplatsen, Stockholm.
The foundations of the Nobel Prize were laid in 1895 when Alfred Nobel wrote his last will, leaving much of his wealth for its establishment. Since 1901, the prize has honored men and women for outstanding achievements in physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, for work in peace and now economics.
A monument to Alfred Bernhard Nobel in Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, Australia.
The foundations of the Nobel Prize were laid in 1895 when Alfred Nobel wrote his last will, leaving much of his wealth for its establishment. Since 1901, the prize has honored men and women for outstanding achievements in physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, for work in peace and now economics.

Alfred Nobel´s occupation: Chemist, engineer, innovator, armaments manufacturer and inventor. Known for invention of dynamite, and Nobel Prize.
Hvorfor ble det norsk fredspris? Svensk av fødsel var Alfred Nobel i sin livsstil og sine holdninger en utpreget verdensborger. Han følte avsmak for nasjonalismen i Sverige og i Europa forøvrig. Det var trolig derfor han lot Norge administrere fredsprisen, skriver Arne Storheim, kontorsjef ved Det Norske Nobelinstitutt.
Why it became Norway´s Nobel Peace Prize? Swedish by birth was Alfred Nobel in his lifestyle and attitude, a typical citizen of the world. He didn´t like nationalism in Sweden and elsewhere in Europe. That was probably why he chose Norway manage the Peace Prize, wrote Arne Storheim, Office Manager at the Norwegian Nobel Institute.
More to follow about the Nobel Peace Prize this year.
- the masoria papers
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